About Us

Our Mission

The Mission of the San Bernardino Grand Jurors Association is to provide the public with informational and educational materials that will help increase awareness of the valuable role the Grand Jury plays in our democratic system of government, and work toward the preservation and enhancement of the Grand Jury system by studying issues and legislation that specifically pertain to the Grand Jury.

Our Purposes

  • To serve as a training and orientation resource for alternate grand jurors called into service in San Bernardino County.
  • To advocate publication of all grand jury reports, and official responses to those reports, in public newspapers or other medium for community-wide distribution. To educate the public regarding the final grand jury investigative findings and recommendation and the official responses to them.
  • To provide implementation review and follow-up of Grand Jury Recommendations from their Final Grand Jury Reports.
  • To advocate social studies and history classes and texts in California secondary schools containing comprehensive information regarding the role of the grand jury in California.
  • To take an active, non-partisan, role in legislative affairs.

Our Bylaws & Standing Rules

Our Bylaws may be viewed by> clicking here (PDF)
Our Standing Rules may be viewed by> clicking here (PDF)

Our Officers (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2025)

President and Board Member - Joanna Hamilton
1st Vice President and Board Member - Ellen Miller
2nd Vice President and Board Member
  and Speaker Coordinator - John David Bradley
Secretary and Board Member - Pat Hagler
Treasurer and Board Member - Ron Zurek
Board Member At-Large - Steve Miller
Board Member At-Large - Kim Chitwood